
goats ate everything else
October 26, 2011, 7:39 am
Filed under: goats | Tags: , , , ,

It’s been a really busy fall. Lots of meetings and stress! Anyhow during one busy week we drove in the drive and saw an amazing sight. The two happiest looking goats you ever saw. They were smiling I swear. And they both immediately peed (little dudes often pee when seeing us–they’re so excited??). And upon second glance–they were square. The goats were SO fat they were as wide as they were tall. It was nuts. The next minute our tired brains processed the fact that the goats were not where they should be. They were not in their paddock, but they were instead in the meadow. The meadow with only three fenced sides–that opens to the woods.

WHAAAT???!!!! The goats were out. AND they’d been out all day. Sheesh. Happily they didn’t run away. Sadly, they’d had over 8 hours possibly to roam the yard and eat anything they wanted!! UGH. A tour around the yard revealed their path.
Blackberries through the fence–check. Lilac–check. Dogwood–check. Hakone grass–check. Blue star amsonia-check. Strawberries-check. Anemone–check, check. Boo hoo, I’m getting really sad at this point. I’ve been nursing anemones for a couple of years and finally got some to bloom. Now they were mowed down. Silly goats.

Anyhow really glad they didn’t take off–they clearly had the time of their lives!! So that’s good. And they didn’t get sick. Also good. Keep those feed room doors closed people!