
we have honey!!!
July 16, 2011, 9:00 am
Filed under: bees | Tags: , , , ,

Ok, I am ridiculously excited about this. We have honey!!! We extracted honey!!! It’s so cool! Last weekend I went to a honey extraction class with Burgh Bees. We got into the hives and saw that Stelle had produced a deep super honey and also filled up their topmost medium. Louis was still working on their deep. So, the ever conservative beekeepers we are–we took out exactly one frame from each hive!!

I put them in dude’s beer bucket and hauled them over to the class.

good work girls!!

can't resist another view of that great comb!

The class was pretty cool. About 15 people there–all so super keen and excited about honey. I used a manual two frame extractor. I wasn’t sure how much honey we’d get from two frames, I brought a few jars and wasn’t sure if I was being super optimistic or what. Check it out…

celestial bells! we have a LOT of honey!!

Turns out there’s a lot of honey in them thar frames! And most deceivingly, there’s a lot that’s left in the bottom of the bucket. I drained the cappings overnight in a sieve over a baking sheet and we later filled up that half full jar in the picture.

Oh, and to answer your burning question–yes, people–the stuff tastes AMAZING!!!

Today, must figure out solar wax melter–to filter the cappings for beeswax.